12. An exploration of Aromatawai – Cindy Pile-Wetere and Aroha Heaslip

This workshop is focused on the ways leaders of learning can strengthen culturally responsive approaches to aromatawai and assessment for learning. Cindy Pile-Wetere and Aroha Heaslip share the story of how they have integrated aromatawai and assessment for learning to support leaders of learning in Māori-medium contexts such as rumaki and bi-lingual settings.

Cindy is currently a kaiako at Rānui Primary School within one of three rumaki reo Māori classrooms. She is a team leader and an Across Schools leader within the Kāhui Ako o Waitākere.

Aroha works as an education consultant for Evaluation Associates and is a member of the NZAI executive.


Categories: Conference 2021
Tags: aromatawai, assessment for learning, cultural capability, years 1-13